
Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Proverbs 8:10-11 NIV

Following God is far more valuable than when the world has to offer. When we seek out and gain wisdom and knowledge, it will impact every area of our lives. The return investment of maintaining wisdom is o much greater because it will not just impact one aspect but it will apply to every aspect. What can I gain from God is an eternal investment that keeps giving.

I choose to seek out God's Word so that I can invest in the best investment for my life. When I follow God and His ways I am investing in the best diversified accounts ever! The benefits are endless and everlasting. I have to put something in (My time in the Word and prayer) in order to get somethng out. I am choosing to invest myself and my life in God and His Kingdom. It may cost me and may even look like a foolish endeavor, by the world's standards, but the long term investment will pay off!

Lord Jesus, help me to be diligent and consistent in Your Word and in prayer. Help me to realize what a huge investment it really is. I pray that my life will impact others in a good way to advance Your Kingdom. Father, give me wisdom and knowledge. When I read Your Word let it burrow deep in my heart and soul. Help my mind to fully grasp what You are saying to me and help me to apply it daily. Thank You Jesus, I love You so very much.


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