Parenting is Tough, But You Can Do It!

15 The rod and rebuke give wisdom, But a child left to himself brings shame to his mother. Proverbs 29:15 NKJV

Kids are so cute but don't think that they are innocent. Think about it...when you see your child look over his or her shoulder before doing something that he knows is wrong then he is not innocent! If they are "innocent" then why would they "sneak" to do something? Because they know that what they are doing is wrong!

If you do nothing to correct them it won't get magically better on it's own! You have to correct the behavior. You need to give guidance and supervision! If you are consistent in your parenting and disciplines then they will have a great start! You desire a great future for your children and it takes work. If only child birth was the hardest part! It takes energy, effort and endurance! Don't think that when they hit jr. high that you are done! Whatever you do, do not give them large amounts of unsupervised time!

We tell our parents that God gives us a promise! Leave a child to his own ways and he will shame his mom! So Mothers, know where your children are and know what they are doing! The bible doesn't lie! One of the most important things to teach your kids is that God gives us a spirit of self control we just need to exercise it! I used to tell my kids that God already equipped them but I had to teach them to use it!

I just want to encourage the parents. Parenting is a race of endurance...don't give up...finish the race! Be consistent. It pays off! Teach them God's truth and principles so that when they are older they will love Him too! You can do this! There is no greater reward than to watch your kids worship and serve the Lord when they are adults!


  1. This is also a good word, Shanin. I don't know that I did such a good job on this, but I am thankful that God redeems my mistakes, and He knows that I truly tried my hardest to obey!
    Karen in FL

  2. The good news is that God does buy back our mistakes Karen! We are all fortunate that serve the Redeemer!


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