
29 Now as they went out of Jericho, a great multitude followed Him. 30 And behold, two blind men sitting by the road, when they heard that Jesus was passing by, cried out, saying, “Have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!”31 Then the multitude warned them that they should be quiet; but they cried out all the more, saying, “Have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!”
32 So Jesus stood still and called them, and said, “What do you want Me to do for you?”33 They said to Him, “Lord, that our eyes may be opened.” 34 So Jesus had compassion and touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him. Matthew 20:29-34 NKJV
I love how much compassion Jesus displays. Earlier in Matthew chapter 19 the disciples started to shoo away the little kids and Jesus took time for the children and blessed them. Now in this part of Matthew two blind men are crying out to Jesus and the crowd tried to shush them up but they yelled even louder. What does Jesus do? He stops and talks with them and asks them, “What do you want Me to do for you?” The blind men told Jesus basically that they wanted to see. Then it is written the most awesome part…so Jesus had compassion. Jesus is compassionate! He wants to take time for everyone who calls out to Him.

The second part of Jesus’s response was that He touched their eyes. He touched their wounded or flawed parts. He didn’t just wave his hand in their direction and heal them, which he could have done. He had compassion upon them and touched their wounded areas. I wonder how many people were repulsed by these men and wouldn’t look their direction much less ever acknowledge or touch them physically (besides kicking them)? What tenderness the Lord displayed in that moment for the very people that others had thought to be worthless. The King of kings took time for those two men, in a time when royalty never gave the time of day to anyone without status or wealth. He touched them.

I am so happy that I serve a compassionate, tender loving God. He will take time for you, no matter who you are. He will take time to examine your wounds and heal them. If you cry out to Him, He will hear you! Even if you feel as though your voice is being drowned out by the crowds, He can hear you. He loves you no matter what value the world has placed upon you.

He will hear your cries, He will stop for you, He will touch you and He will heal you. He loves you.

Basking in His Love and Mercy,



  1. Wow, Shanin, what a true and insightful encouragement/reminder, my friend! Thank you for sharing - you bring a perspective that I desperately need to hear from God.


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