Heroine or Victim?

Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai:“Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.” Esther 4:15-16 NIV

Esther, the heroine of the Jews, for her time. She had the life, right? The life of a Queen? But that wasn't her whole story. Her story began when her parents were murdered and then she was taken (by the King's guards), at a young age, from her cousin to be placed in the harem to be "trained" or prepped to see if she "was good enough" for the King to choose her to be his Queen. Oh I forgot to add that she didn't even get to keep her given name, her identity was changed too. In our world she would be considered a victim, she would spend her whole life in counseling trying to figure out why it all had to happen to "her" aka me.

Esther didn't take the victim stance. There was a purpose for her life. When the bad guy, Haman, had devised a plot to have all of the Jews killed (her people), her cousin, Mordecai, told her about the plot. She realized that if she went before the King without an invitation she could be put to death, but Mordecai reminded her in Esther 4:14, he told her that who knows but that she was placed into her position as queen for such a time as this? (Shanin's version LOL)Her response was one of responsibility, one of a heroine, not a victim...go and fast and pray for me and I will go before the King and if I die, I die...(again Shanin's translation). Esther was not a quitter. She didn't throw her hands into the air in despair. She decided to do what was right regardless of the possible consequences. She made a decision in her heart...a decision of a heroine not a victim.

The story has a happy ending in Esther. If you haven't read that book of the bible you really should. It is short and a great read!

Can we apply this to our lives today? Yes. Maybe not to the extreme of circumstances like Queen Esther but everyone has had something happen to them in their lives. How will you respond? Will you respond and live as a victim or will you choose to become victorious? Will you make a decision to do what is right or will you throw your hands into the air and yell, "I'm done! I give up!" ? If you are a christian, will you be a good witness or a bad witness? Will you choose to seek healing and see what God has planned for your life? You are chosen for such a time as this!

My life story has had some ugly chapters but let me share with you that the good has far out weighed the bad. Has it always been easy? No, but I chose to seek out healing and am I ever glad! God is my Redeemer and Deliverer! I am so glad that the Lord showed me that things could be so different for my life. I am so glad that I realized that I didn't have to live life in the pit of dispair of victim stance! He took some pretty ugly circumstance ashes and created something beautiful out of that heap.

Praying that you choose to live your life to the fullest. Your life has a purpose! You are chosen for such a time as this. Please leave the trap of being a victim behind. It is such an ugly place to live, it's like quicksand. If you want or need prayer I would be glad to pray for you. God has great plans for you and enemy would like to derail you.

It's your choice...I chose life.



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