O Taste and See...

Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!Psalm 34:8 NKJV

Have you ever sat down and ate the most scrumptious brownie or piece of chocolate cake? It was so rich and yummy...did you have to twist someone's arm to get them to try a piece? NO:)

That is the way our lives should be. Our lives should be so different from others that people would look and see that we have something that they need or want! If you live a sour, bitter life no one will want that! But if you live a rich and full life you will have the opportunity to share Christ!

So remember when you are out and about...think about that yummy, gooey chocolate dessert...and share you life with anyone who looks hungry :)

Tasting, Seeing and Trusting!



  1. Really good reminder, Shanin. I am glad to re-find your blog! Now you just need an actual picture of yOU on your own blog ....
    Love you,


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