
This week, behind my place of employment, I found that the apricot tree had broke in half from being so overloaded with fruit! The landlord told us that we could pick all of the fruit that we wanted because he was going to just take it and burn it. So I picked a whole box of apricots. Earlier in the day I asked the Lord to help me with a cool craft for the kids. I then had the idea of making apricot freezer jam for our craft. I would tell them the story about the tree and link it to the bible story of burning the trees that are not fruitful. We are known by our fruit. I told them how the apricot tree was not going to be able to provide fruit any longer because that part would die. The whole time we were outside cutting the fruit up and preparing it for jam. We also talked about our orphanage in Uganda. The kids have such a heart for the kids in Uganda at Cornerstone. Then one of the kids popped up and said, "Could we send our jam to Uganda to the kids?" I explained that we couldn't mail the freezer jam but that we could sell the jam and send the money to help them in Uganda. They were so excited! They had a way to help. Our youth group did a car wash but our kids are going to sell the yummy jam that they made with their own clean hands.

The great commission says to Go into all of the world and preach the gospel to every living creature. We believe that our kids can be a part of that vision now, before they are grown up. And not only do they write letters to the Cornerstone Kids and pray for them but they have found a way to make money to contribute too. I am so proud of our kids. They have a ministry!

I am thankful that God provided us with apricots! I am thankful that He gave me the craft idea that launched this endeavor. I am thankful for Laurie Dickerson who was obediant to the Lord to move to Uganda and started The Cornerstone Orphanage. I am thankful for kids who are not so consumed by themselves but know that they can be world changers for the Lord not someday but now. I am so thankful that God gives me the honor of teaching these wonderful kids and for the parents that bring them to church. I am thankful for the team that teaches with me. What a big help! The list could go on and on but for now I will just end it with this. Thank You Jesus for apricots and kids that are bearing Your Fruit :)

Loving the Fruits!



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