
“Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt among yourselves, and be at peace with each other.”
Mark 9:50 NKJV

Have you lost your saltiness? Have you lost your zest or flavor for Jesus? Don't let the business of life drain the very flavor of your life out of you. But how do I stay full of life? Read the Word. Even when you don't feel anything, just do it! God will speak to you. He so desires for you to keep those lines of communication open with Him. The liar of this world will try to discourage you or even simply wear you down gradually, but keep you guard up! Read the Word, spend time with Him. I promise even if you don't remember what you just read for that moment it will come back to you when you need it! Ask Jesus to help you to understand and absorb it into your heart and mind.

Have salt among yourselves! Be at peace with each other! Fellowship with other christians! Work at your relationships and don't let the enemy plant seeds of division. As long as you maintain flavor and unity you will do great things! And God will do AMAZING things in your life. You will see!

Lord, help me not to becom bland! I want to be...

Full of Flavor!



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