We Belong To Jesus!

There is a song that we sing in church and it is titled, "Sing To The King." I love that song! It is written by Billy Foote & Charles Silvester Horne. The lyrics are awesome! The chorus goes like this:

Come let us sing a song, a song declaring that we belong to Jesus, He is all we need, lift up a shout of praise, sing now with voices raised to Jesus, Sing to the King.

Have you ever struggled with self worth? Have you ever felt unloved? If you know Jesus you never have to feel that way again. Why? Because you belong to Him. Oh you may have those days that the enemy will throw those thoughts at you but all you have to do is spend some time with Jesus to know that you are loved.

The great part about belonging to Jesus is that once you know Jesus you are part of God's family. When you are a part of God's family, then you belong to this great body of believers aka siblings, that have your back. I came from a messed up family so I missed having a family that just loved spending time together. Now I have this great family who loves hanging out and they are there if I ever need them. They have my back!

Jesus so desires to love on you. He loves you so very much. He cherishes you! So no matter how your life has gone up to this point, just take a step of faith and enter into a relationship with Him. You will never regret it.

Loving so much that I belong to HIM,



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