A Sure Investment

12 Who is the man that fears the LORD?
Him shall He teach in the way He chooses.
13 He himself shall dwell in prosperity,
And his descendants shall inherit the earth.
14 The secret of the LORD is with those who fear Him,
And He will show them His covenant.
15 My eyes are ever toward the LORD,
For He shall pluck my feet out of the net. Psalm 25:12-15 NKJ

This makes sense! When you spend time with someone getting to know them and developing relationship that you would learn from them! If you invest in something it only makes sense that you would benefit from it! I heard once that if you want to become an expert in something study it for one hour everyday for three to four years. I am not an expert by any means but I do invest in my relationship with Jesus everyday. I want to know more...He wants to teach me! What better combo is there than this?

The benefit is awesome! I get to be one of His descendants! I'm His kid! How cool is that?

There is a song that we sing in church and it is called, "The More I Seek You." It goes like this: The more I seek You, the more I find You, The more I find You, the more I love You. I want to sit at Your feet, drink from the cup of Your hand, Lay back against You and breathe, and feel Your heart beat. This love is so deep, it's more than I can stand. I melt in Your peace it's overwhelming...

This song is so descriptive and loving...and it is what I desire. I want that kind of relationship with Jesus. I love spending time with Him. If you don't know Him and would like that kind of relationship I would love to introduce you to Him. If you do know Him I would like to challenge you to invest in your relationship with Him...it can only benefit you!


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