A Great Love Story

Today I am going to suggest that you read a great love story. The book of Ruth (in the bible) is a short love story. It has death of loved ones, respect and love for her mother-in-law and then a journey to a foreign land where she finds love once again. It is a redemptive love story that everyone should read! Ruth goes to work in a field to glean food for her and her mother-in-law where she meets the land barren Boaz. Boaz is an older man who is a compassionate and caring man.

Will she find true love with Boaz? Will her mother-in-law approve of this relationship? Or will another man step in the way of this budding romance?

This is a "have to read" romance approved for any age!



  1. What a neat idea, Shanin. I have been going too much lately (though all are required things) and it feels so good to check in on your blog and read tonight. May GOd bless your faithfulness as you share your heart with those of us who read!
    Karen in FL


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