Face of an Angel

8 And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people. 9 Then there arose some from what is called the Synagogue of the Freedmen disputing with Stephen. 10 And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke. 11 Then they secretly induced men to say, “We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God.” 12 And they stirred up the people, the elders, and the scribes; and they came upon him, seized him, and brought him to the council. 13 They also set up false witnesses who said, “This man does not cease to speak blasphemous words against this holy place and the law; 14 for we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs which Moses delivered to us.” 15 And all who sat in the council, looking steadfastly at him, saw his face as the face of an angel.
Acts 6:8-15 NKJV

Verse 8 says a lot about Stephen! He was full of faith and power. did great wonders and signs among the people. Then when people started converting because of his testimony, the bad guys plotted against him with rumors and accusations. They arrested him and then set up false witnesses to lie against him. They stoned Stephen...then the very council who sentenced him to death, who murdered him, saw his face as the face of an angel...even unto death Stephen maintained his testimony...even with his face.

Later this was instrumental in Saul's conversion. You know, sometimes people say rumors or false things about you and me...what is our response? Do we maintain the testimony of Jesus or do we stoop to their accusations so worried about being wrongly accused or defending ourselves instead of keeping our focus on Jesus and the ultimate goal? When we keep our focus on Jesus things will be worked out for His Glory. Who would have thought that the murderer of Stephen would one day serve the One that Stephen was martyred for? Saul who became the apostle Paul!

There is another point to this story. Never give up praying for people's salvation. No matter if you think that there isn't a chance in the world for this person to serve the Lord, Most High. Saul was the leader of the persecution of the church! He did what he did whole heartily! I am sure that no one would have ever thought that He would one day serve Jesus. But when he turned his heart towards God, he served Him whole heartily! He went from the persecutor to the persecuted.

I have someone who I am praying for to one day to serve the Lord. (well, I have more than one...) There are times when I get discouraged but eventually I return to praying for him and his wife. He is a rich atheist. From the worlds view technically he has no need for God in his life. I want him to be in heaven with me one day. Just this last week I heard that he is attending church! Yippee! That's a start! It encouraged me to pray even more and not to give up...you see Jesus loves him even more than I do. If the God I serve can change Saul's heart then He can change any one's heart! I will then do my part and pray for the lost that God puts in my life. With God nothing is impossible!

So keep the faith! Even if you are being "stoned" to death don't waver...keep your focus on Jesus. He brings all things around to His Glory.


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