A Rich Legacy

I have been reading in Genesis for part of my devotions. Today we read chapters 29-30 in Genesis. It is about the story of Jacob and Rachel. I have always felt bad for Jacob for being conned by Laban into marrying Leah when he worked for seven years for Rachel, the love of his life and I felt really bad for Leah. Leah had the "weak" eyes while Rachel was always described as beautiful etc. Basically if I was Leah, I would feel like the ugly sister that they had to get someone drunk and con them into marrying me. How awful. It says when she became pregnant she was happy to have a boy because now her husband would love her....man, that is rough!

I looked at that whole passage a little differently today. I recognised the history or heritage of manipulation throughout Jacob's family. Rebekah manipulated her husband and Jacob participated too then Laban, who was Rebekah's family, totally manipulated Jacob. It doesn't stop there because then the two sisters that Jacob married manipulated things too!

What sins does your family history have? Be really honest with yourself. For me it was fear. Fear had a very strong presence in my life. I decided that I was going to take a stand and break that in my family. It had to stop with me. When I looked back in the history of my family it didn't just start with me but fear had its hold on my family for at least two or three generations! It wasn't just one simple prayer and it was finished. It has been an on going process.The best part was that I didn't have to face it by myself. My Dad was right there with me. Now there are times when fear doesn't raise it's ugly head for weeks and then out of the blue it will try a back door approach. Sometimes I catch it quick and then other times it will sneak in undetected before I notice and then I deal with it. All I know is that I do not want to participate in passing fear down any further in my family line. It stops here.

It is my desire for my children and grand children to inherit the qualities of my adoptive Father. I want my kids to have the rich inheritance of truth, love and perseverance(and eternal life!). Truly a treasure that does not rot or decay. There are so many wonderful characteristics they can inherit! I want to do my best to reflect my Dad's characteristics so that they will see them in action! After all, they are heirs of the King too.

What type of legacy will you leave your children?


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