Need Prayer? Ask a Child!

15 Then they also brought infants to Him that He might touch them; but when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. 16 But Jesus called them to Him and said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. 17 Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”
Luke 18:15-17

Have you ever had a child pray for you? If you are sick, go get a kid to pray for you! Because I am here to say, they can pray! I have had the privilege to teach our kids at church to pray. I tell them it is just "talking to God." We pray for everything! From sick bunnies to people with cancer it doesn't matter! Nothing is too big or small for God and kids understand that! When they pray God listens...when they pray they are sincere and believe! I am sure it does nothing more to please God than when his little ones pray. I might not understand everything they are saying (especially when they are two years old!) but Jesus understands every word. But whatever you do, do not discourage them from praying.

We need to follow their example of sincere, uncomplicated prayer. Remember it is conversation with God. You don't need a certain format, just speak from the heart. He loves to hear from his kids, any age. One more thing, with God nothing is impossible and He loves you unconditionally.
You can pray anytime, anywhere....and you don't have to fold your hands or close your eyes!


  1. Shanin
    Gail here from Northern Ireland. Everytime I get sick I ask my son who is 6 next week to pray for me.
    My son got saved 2 years ago, he not only has incredible faith but the gift of healing.
    A few short months ago Justyn (my son) prayed for me when I had a chipped bone in my back, it was healed completely the next day.
    God bless

    By the way Martin Luther the great reformer asked Children to pray for him when he got sick.


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