Giving with Sacrifice

1 And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, 2 and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites. 3 So He said, “Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; 4 for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.” Luke 21:1-4

You are never too poor to give. This poor widow gave so very much even though it might of appeared small to the others. She gave with sacrifice. Let me tell you an amazing example of giving that I witnessed.

When we did mission work in Mexico we had the privilege working along side a woman named Pastor Ruth. Pastor Ruth lives in a very poor neighborhood in TJ Mexico. She ministers to anyone and everyone. I was with her when she would go to a dirt road filled with shacks made out of wood pallets. She then called out to the neighborhood for everyone to come out. She would sing a song while pounding a a tambourine. She would then tell them about Jesus and the story of salvation and give an invitation to receive Christ. About ten or twelve people received Jesus. She invited them to church told the families that she would feed their children four days a week and told them where to come. The families then dispersed and she looked at me and then said, "Now we pray." I answered, "Okay, for what?" She responded, "For food to feed the children." Talk about a woman of faith! She promised to feed them and then she relied on God to provide for them.

Now I can't even begin to describe their living conditions. She was still so faithful to serve and give everything that came in to the church. We were so blessed to build a church on top of the existing basement they were using. This "church" had openings but no windows. We were able to place a cross on the roof when we were finished. Nothing fancy...bare floors. She was so very grateful.

We returned a year later to bring clothing and food and just to visit with our friends. We were so blessed to join a service with Pastor Ruth. I noticed at the front of the church there was a wooden church box with a slot in the top. I asked Ruth what the box was for. I loved her so convicted me...she told me that it was their offering for the "poor people". To me they were so very poor, they literally prayed in the food that they ate...but she would save all year long so they could go and minister to the "poor" and tell them about Jesus. I can not even fathom the rewards that await Pastor Ruth for her giving and sacrifice that she does on a daily basis.

I hope that this story convicts you like it did are never too poor to give. We are so very blessed...and we need to remember that. It is a privilege to give!


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