Dancing Shoes

11 You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;
You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness,
12 To the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent.
O LORD my God, I will give thanks to You forever. Psalm 30:11-12 NKJ

I have seen God pull many people out of deep pits...I have seen Him give them their "dancing shoes" but not always did they choose to put them on. Some times it's because it isn't familiar to them to rejoice or "dance". I have seen some people decide that they would rather stay in their slump than to venture into something new or to learn a new behavior. A lot of times it is painful to go through the healing process and they just don't want to go through the pain to get to the healing. They want a band aid fix but not the surgery to cut out the cancer. Let's face it, no one likes to go through the painful process but it is so worth it once you are all healed up.

God desires to deliver us! He desires to turn our mourning into dancing! He wants us to be clothed in His gladness.

I am so glad that the Lord has pulled me out of the pit and gave me dancing shoes! Was it an overnight event? No. But He was so gracious with me...did I always like it? NO! There were many times I didn't want to hear the truth but I am so thankful that He placed people who loved me enough to tell me the truth and then to walk me through the process.

Sometimes we all need a little help lacing up the old dancing shoes...but it is so much better than the mourning. Thank You God for loving me enough to reach into the slimy pit to pull me out and thank you for those pretty dancing shoes...I rejoice in serving You, the Redeemer! Now let's celebrate!


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