Deal Or No Deal

I just watched the ending of an episode of Deal Or No Deal. The man was down to two cases. One case had $1.00 in it and the other had $1,000,000.00 in it. The offer was $416,000.00 dollars. The choice was his...Deal or No Deal? His mother was telling him to take the money. Another lady was telling him that he had the million dollar case. He chose NO DEAL! He then had the choice of trading the case that he had picked for the other case and he turned that option down. When Howie opened the case that the man had kept it contained $1.00. How awful. The man had $416,000.00 dollars and he turned it down for the chance of more. His mother was just sick. You could see it in her face.

We all say what we would do in that situation but most of us will never be in such circumstances. But all of will be in a "Deal Or No Deal" situation. It is a salvation or no salvation situation. I have heard so many people say that "As long as you lead a good life or as long as you are a good person you will go to heaven." That is so not true! There will be good people who reject Jesus who will go to hell. You see, people don't go to hell for "doing something bad", they go to hell for rejecting Jesus. No one is deserving of salvation. No one is good! We are all on a level playing field...Jesus died to give us the free choice of salvation...all we have to do is make a decision to accept it or reject or no deal.

"Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, that you and your descendants might live! Deut. 30:19


  1. Whoa, Shanin, that is a great analogy you used here. So easy to forget that there are real life analogies that have nothing to do with games and truly are life-and-death issues. THanks for your faithfulness in proclaiming truth and God's word.
    Love ya,
    Karen in FL


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