You Can Be Used For God's Glory!

18 And when He got into the boat, he who had been demon-possessed begged Him that he might be with Him. 19 However, Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.” 20 And he departed and began to proclaim in Decapolis all that Jesus had done for him; and all marveled. Mark 5:18-20

Before the superbowl game on Sunday I was watching the interview with Ray Lewis. Ray has recently declared that he is now a follower of Christ. (Please know that I am not here to argue whether he is saved or not. I am excited that He now claims Christ as his Savior.) During his interview they were questioning him on his participation or involvement in a January 2000 fight that resulted in an indictment on murder and aggravated assault charges. He was never convicted of these charges but on a charge of obstruction of justice. Okay the part that disturbed me was his response, “If you really knew how God works, he don’t use people who commit anything like that for his glory.”

I am here to tell you that God has and still does really use people who have committed horrible sins! Let me use the apostle Paul for an example. Paul was known as Saul before his conversion to Christ and he was famous for persecuting Christians. He was at Stephen's execution (well he was killed by stoning.) Paul wrote a huge chunk of the New Testament! He ministered to many!

In this passage of scripture that I listed above if you look up Mark 5 and read the verses leading up to this portion you will read about a crazy demon possessed man! They couldn't even keep him confined in chains and shackles because he would break them! Can you say insanity? Yet when this same man fell at Jesus feet to worship Him and Jesus healed him and did deliverance this same man was sent home to tell his friends about the Lord. The Lord used him! It says in verse 20 that he left that day and shared Jesus in Decapolis! And all marveled.

I don't care what Ray Lewis thinks but Jesus can use anyone who is willing to be used. He can lift anyone up out of their pit of circumstances and use them for HIS GLORY! Amen? Jesus is our Redeemer! He pardoned us when He died on the cross. He knew what we would do and died for our sins before we even committed them! He is awesome.

So please do not let anyone tell you that you are disqualified for ministry because of your past. Now some of your consequences might hinder you, but you can be used to bring God glory! Jesus forgives and restores! He is in the restoration business:)

I am not counting you out, and neither is God!



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